Cunning Crocodile

Once upon a time there was a crocodile lived in a lake with his family...and he loves his wife very much. He don't say NO for any of her wish. He always wants to make her happy....But she also loves him but she is cunning with no kind nature...

Near to the late there is a tree..on which birds and monkeys stay...and the male crocodile do friendship with all of them...Days are going fine...

One day his wife says..I heard the monkeys brain is very taste..I want to eat..invite your monkey friend to home for a lunch, then we can have his brain by killing it.

Next day crocodile went near to the tree and invited money for lunch and asked him to sit on his back...In the middle of journey he told truth to monkey..

Monkey is a brave and got an idea immediately and said   "Oh my friend you should say this before only" I left my brain on tree itself...Let's us go to tree and I will get my brain and come with you... Crocodile believed him and took monkey to the tree..

After monkey went on the tree he said" I trusted but you cheated our friendship'...he never did friendship to crocodile and birds also stopped doing friend ship with him..

Crocodile realised and said sorry to all.of them and scolded his wife for her cunning nature..


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